Madrasa guide app download

Madrasa guide app download

Samastha Madrasa guide app download

Sunniboard Madrasa guide app download

Madrasa Guide App for Both Samastha Madrasas| മദ്‌റസ à´—ൈà´¡് ആപ്à´ª് SKSVB SKIMVB

Madrasa Guide is an application for madrasa teachers, students and parents.
Madrasa Guide is an application for madrasa teachers, students and parents.

About appMadrasah Guide is an application
Madrasah Guide is an application for madrasa teachers, students and parents.
This application helps you to learn and understand the lessons provide for all divisions

This application helps you to learn and understand the lessons provide for all divisions

à´•േരളത്à´¤ിà´²െ à´°à´£്à´Ÿ് à´ª്à´°à´®ുà´– à´¸ുà´¨്à´¨ീ മദ്à´°à´¸ാ à´¸ിലബസിà´²െ അറബി à´ªാà´ à´­ാà´—à´™്ങൾ ഉൾകൊà´³്à´³ുà´¨്നതാà´£് à´ˆ à´—ൈà´¡് ആപ്à´ª്.

ലളിതമാà´¯ à´­ാà´·à´¯ിൽ മലയാà´³ à´µിവർത്തനവും à´µാà´•്à´•ുà´•à´³ുà´Ÿെ അർത്ഥങ്ങളും ഇതിൽ ലഭ്യമാà´£്.

à´•ൂà´Ÿാà´¤െ à´•à´´ിà´ž്à´ž വർഷങ്ങളിà´²െ à´¨ിരവധി à´šോà´¦്യപ്à´ªേà´ª്പറുà´•à´³ും ലഭ്യമാà´£്.
Features :- Lessons, word meanings, Question paper

ആപ്à´ª് à´¡ൗൺലോà´¡് à´šെà´¯്à´¯ുà´•

(SKSVB) à´¸ുà´¨്à´¨ി à´¬ോർഡ് 👉DOWNLOAD APP

(SKIMVB) ഇസ്à´²ാà´®ിà´•് à´¬ോർഡ് 👉 DOWNLOAD APP

മറ്à´±ുà´³്ളവർക്à´•ും à´·െയർ à´šെà´¯്à´¯ൂ

à´µെà´¬്à´¸ൈà´±്à´±് à´²ിà´™്à´•ുകൾ ലഭിà´•്à´•ാൻ à´¤ാà´´െà´¯ുà´³്à´³ à´²ിà´™്à´•് ഉപയോà´—ിà´š്à´š് ISLAMIC KNOWLEDG à´µാà´Ÿ്à´¸്ആപ് à´—്à´°ൂà´ª്à´ªിൽ à´œോà´¯ിൻ à´šെà´¯്à´¯ുà´•



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(SKSVB) à´¸ുà´¨്à´¨ി à´¬ോർഡ് 👉DOWNLOAD APP

(SKIMVB) ഇസ്à´²ാà´®ിà´•് à´¬ോർഡ് 👉 DOWNLOAD APP

മറ്à´±ുà´³്ളവർക്à´•ും à´·െയർ à´šെà´¯്à´¯ൂ

à´¤ീർച്à´šà´¯ാà´¯ും à´’à´°ുà´ªാà´Ÿ് à´ªേർക്à´•് ഉപകരിà´•്à´•ും,à´®ാà´•്à´¸ിà´®ം à´·െയർ à´šെà´¯്à´¯ുà´•

Job varthakal

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Middle East job guarantees you a well-off living. Obviously, this is a golden opportunity for you.

This website brings you frequent updates regarding vacancies in public and private sectors in India as well as Abroad. In order to get daily updates please visit our site. You can also be the member in our whatsapp and telegram update groups.

Through this website, we will provide many job vacancies and higher education opurtunities at India and abroad. And it includes opportunities in the private and government sectors.

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It will include information about different types of exams and their possibilities. This site will be very useful for job seekers with or without educational qualification. But we are not an agency. We are just bringing things to people. Applications and payments should be done at your own risk.

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