Online vs Offline classes


Online vs Offline classes and the impact on soft skills of students.

Education is a tool which provides people with knowledge,skill,technique,information, enables them to know their rights and duties toward their family, society as well as the nation. It expands vision and outlook to see the world. It develops the capabilities to fight against injustice, violence, corruption and many other bad elements in the society. Classes are places where education is distributed.

There are two main types of classes, that is online and offline classes.In addition to distributing education, the classes also develops the soft skills of each students.Although these two classes have some commonalities in accomplishing this one task, they stand apart in some.

One of the most important features of offline classes is that direct interactions are available from offline classes,so that all students have the opportunity to interact, so that each student can develop their own skill.Constantly getting inspiration from teachers and students helps each student to improve their skills.In addition, it is important to be able to understand the conditions of each and every student who is just leaving. Offline classrooms are one of the most promising places to grow creatively.

It is also true that very few students are unable to use their skills in offline classrooms because they are afraid or ashamed to speak in front of others. Not all students will be able to interact with online classes like offline classes.Because online classes are communication with a medium, so that some people may have problems with networking or any other issues. Some students who are more interested and focused can enhance their own skills through online classes. Online classes are less motivating than offline classes so each student will show their own interest and focus on online classes to improve their skills.Of course we can increase our skills as we try to better understand the conditions of those who study with us.

It is during this time of the corona that online classes are increasingly popularized in our country and in many other countries.Of course, it is imperative that we use the right space to grow creatively and value relationships through the online system to enhance our soft skills.

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